
New project : Meat'Integrate

Microbial Risk Assessment of Meat, From the Farm to Fork: Integrating Knowledge, Data and Existing Models into an Innovative Quantitative Risk Ranking Tool

The meat diet is one of the bases of human nutrition but also one of the main sources of food poisoning in Europe (more than 10%). They are mainly caused by pathogenic bacteria that can contaminate meat during its production, processing, distribution and preparation.
Food safety management is based on microbial risk assessment to identify the most effective means of control. Numerous quantitative microbial risk assessments (QMRAs) have been carried out for several "pathogenic bacteria - food" pairs but only concern part of the "production → transformation → distribution → preparation" chain of meat.


The objective of the Meat'Integrate project is to collect, analyze, improve and integrate the microbial risk assessments carried out for meat products into a harmonized risk quantification and prioritization tool taking into account the entire transformation process: from the farm to fork. This tool will be developed to advise industry and health authorities on the most relevant priorities and means of control to improve food safety. It can also be used as part of educational training.
The development of this tool will involve both UMR 1014 SECALIM (INRA-Oniris, Nantes, France) and the Scientific Center for Agriculture and Food, Biosystems and Food Engineering of UCD (University College Dublin, Ireland). This project is funded by the Research-Training-Innovation Food for Tomorrow / Cap Food program.

Partners : Vincent Tesson is in charge of leading this project with the collaboration of Géraldine Boué (coordinater), Sandrine Guillou, Jeanne-Marie Membré and Michel Federighi from SECALIM and also Enda Cummins from UCD of Dublin.


Microbiological risks - pathogen - modeling - food safety - meat

Modification date : 11 September 2023 | Publication date : 09 May 2019 | Redactor : SG